I am going to provide brief code snippet of netflow version 5 collector in python.
In netflow version 5, the template of data is fixed. It simply means that you know what will come at what place. Netflow version 5 packet structure is as following:-
Packet header Structure
Packet record format
A network device like router, switch etc can send netflow data to a netflow collector. Netflow is proprietary protocol of Cisco but many other devices also support it. So if you have a cisco router and you want to write your own netflow collector, you can do in following ways :-
1. Using standard python library
import socket, struct
import threading
from socket import inet_ntoa
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind(('', 9999))
def processPacket(buf,addr):
(version, count) = struct.unpack('!HH',buf[0:4])
if version != 5:
print "Not NetFlow v5!"
# It's pretty unlikely you'll ever see more then 1000 records in a 1500 byte UDP packet
if count <= 0 or count >= 1000:
print "Invalid count %s" % count
uptime = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',buf[4:8])[0])
epochseconds = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',buf[8:12])[0])
for i in range(0, count):
data = struct.unpack('!IIIIHH',buf[base+16:base+36])
nfdata = {}
nfdata['saddr'] = inet_ntoa(buf[base+0:base+4])
nfdata['daddr'] = inet_ntoa(buf[base+4:base+8])
nfdata['pcount'] = data[0]
nfdata['bcount'] = data[1]
nfdata['stime'] = data[2]
nfdata['etime'] = data[3]
nfdata['sport'] = data[4]
nfdata['dport'] = data[5]
nfdata['protocol'] = ord(buf[base+38])
# Do something with the netflow record..
print "%s:%s -> %s:%s" % (nfdata['saddr'],nfdata['sport'],nfdata['daddr'],nfdata['dport'])
while True:
buf, addr = sock.recvfrom(1500)
t = threading.Thread(target=processPacket, args=(buf,addr))
2. Using twisted library
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
from twisted.internet import reactor
import socket
from socket import inet_ntoa
import struct
class CaptureNetflowPacket(DatagramProtocol):
def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
#print("received %r from %s" % (data, addr))
#self.transport.write(data, addr)
(version, count) = struct.unpack('!HH',data[0:4])
print "Version %s, count %s "%(version,count)
if version != 5:
print "Not NetFlow v5!"
uptime = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',data[4:8])[0])
epochseconds = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',data[8:12])[0])
print "Uptime %s , epochseconds %s "% (uptime, epochseconds)
for i in range(0, count):
fdata = struct.unpack('!IIIIHH',data[base+16:base+36])
nfdata = {}
nfdata['saddr'] = inet_ntoa(data[base+0:base+4])
nfdata['daddr'] = inet_ntoa(data[base+4:base+8])
nfdata['pcount'] = fdata[0]
nfdata['bcount'] = fdata[1]
nfdata['stime'] = fdata[2]
nfdata['etime'] = fdata[3]
nfdata['sport'] = fdata[4]
nfdata['dport'] = fdata[5]
nfdata['protocol'] = ord(data[base+38])
#print "Exception occured"
# Do something with the netflow record..
print "%s:%s -> %s:%s" % (nfdata['saddr'],nfdata['sport'],nfdata['daddr'],nfdata['dport'])
print "%s : %s : %s " %(nfdata['pcount'],nfdata['bcount'],nfdata['protocol'])
reactor.listenUDP(9999, CaptureNetflowPacket())
Please note that collector is listening on port 9999 over UDP socket.
This code simply prints packet data on console but one can extend to save the packet data in database.
In netflow version 5, the template of data is fixed. It simply means that you know what will come at what place. Netflow version 5 packet structure is as following:-
Packet header Structure
Bytes | Content label | Brief Description |
0-1 | version | NetFlow export format version number |
2-3 | count | Number of flows exported in this packet (1-30) |
4-7 | sys_uptime | Current time in milliseconds since the export device booted |
8-11 | unix_secs | Current count of seconds since 0000 UTC 1970 |
12-15 | unix_nsecs | Residual nanoseconds since 0000 UTC 1970 |
16-19 | flow_sequence | Sequence counter of total flows seen |
20 | engine_type | Type of flow-switching engine |
21 | engine_id | Slot number of the flow-switching engine |
22-23 | sampling_interval | First two bits hold the sampling mode; remaining 14 bits hold value of sampling interval |
Packet record format
Bytes | Content Label | Brief Description |
0-3 | srcaddr | Source IP address |
4-7 | dstaddr | Destination IP address |
8-11 | nexthop | IP address of next hop router |
12-13 | input | SNMP index of input interface |
14-15 | output | SNMP index of output interface |
16-19 | dPkts | Packets in the flow |
20-23 | dOctets | Total number of Layer 3 bytes in the packets of the flow |
24-27 | first | SysUptime at start of flow |
28-31 | last | SysUptime at the time the last packet of the flow was received |
32-33 | srcport | TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent |
34-35 | dstport | TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent |
36 | pad1 | Unused (zero) bytes |
37 | tcp_flags | Cumulative OR of TCP flags |
38 | prot | IP protocol type (for example, TCP = 6; UDP = 17) |
39 | tos | IP type of service (ToS) |
40-41 | src_as | Autonomous system number of the source, either origin or peer |
42-43 | dst_as | Autonomous system number of the destination, either origin or peer |
44 | src_mask | Source address prefix mask bits |
45 | dst_mask | Destination address prefix mask bits |
46-47 | pad2 | Unused (zero) bytes |
A network device like router, switch etc can send netflow data to a netflow collector. Netflow is proprietary protocol of Cisco but many other devices also support it. So if you have a cisco router and you want to write your own netflow collector, you can do in following ways :-
1. Using standard python library
import socket, struct
import threading
from socket import inet_ntoa
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind(('', 9999))
def processPacket(buf,addr):
(version, count) = struct.unpack('!HH',buf[0:4])
if version != 5:
print "Not NetFlow v5!"
# It's pretty unlikely you'll ever see more then 1000 records in a 1500 byte UDP packet
if count <= 0 or count >= 1000:
print "Invalid count %s" % count
uptime = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',buf[4:8])[0])
epochseconds = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',buf[8:12])[0])
for i in range(0, count):
data = struct.unpack('!IIIIHH',buf[base+16:base+36])
nfdata = {}
nfdata['saddr'] = inet_ntoa(buf[base+0:base+4])
nfdata['daddr'] = inet_ntoa(buf[base+4:base+8])
nfdata['pcount'] = data[0]
nfdata['bcount'] = data[1]
nfdata['stime'] = data[2]
nfdata['etime'] = data[3]
nfdata['sport'] = data[4]
nfdata['dport'] = data[5]
nfdata['protocol'] = ord(buf[base+38])
# Do something with the netflow record..
print "%s:%s -> %s:%s" % (nfdata['saddr'],nfdata['sport'],nfdata['daddr'],nfdata['dport'])
while True:
buf, addr = sock.recvfrom(1500)
t = threading.Thread(target=processPacket, args=(buf,addr))
2. Using twisted library
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
from twisted.internet import reactor
import socket
from socket import inet_ntoa
import struct
class CaptureNetflowPacket(DatagramProtocol):
def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
#print("received %r from %s" % (data, addr))
#self.transport.write(data, addr)
(version, count) = struct.unpack('!HH',data[0:4])
print "Version %s, count %s "%(version,count)
if version != 5:
print "Not NetFlow v5!"
uptime = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',data[4:8])[0])
epochseconds = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack('I',data[8:12])[0])
print "Uptime %s , epochseconds %s "% (uptime, epochseconds)
for i in range(0, count):
fdata = struct.unpack('!IIIIHH',data[base+16:base+36])
nfdata = {}
nfdata['saddr'] = inet_ntoa(data[base+0:base+4])
nfdata['daddr'] = inet_ntoa(data[base+4:base+8])
nfdata['pcount'] = fdata[0]
nfdata['bcount'] = fdata[1]
nfdata['stime'] = fdata[2]
nfdata['etime'] = fdata[3]
nfdata['sport'] = fdata[4]
nfdata['dport'] = fdata[5]
nfdata['protocol'] = ord(data[base+38])
#print "Exception occured"
# Do something with the netflow record..
print "%s:%s -> %s:%s" % (nfdata['saddr'],nfdata['sport'],nfdata['daddr'],nfdata['dport'])
print "%s : %s : %s " %(nfdata['pcount'],nfdata['bcount'],nfdata['protocol'])
reactor.listenUDP(9999, CaptureNetflowPacket())
Please note that collector is listening on port 9999 over UDP socket.
This code simply prints packet data on console but one can extend to save the packet data in database.
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